
Liturgies & Occasional Services

A Commination

To be used on the First Day of Lent (Ash Wednesday), in other Penitential Seasons, or when otherwise required by the Ordinary.

Adapted from the 1662 BCP by Jacob Hootman, member of  the ACNA Liturgical Task Force.


To be used on Wednesdays, Fridays, and other days wherein Holy Communion is ordinarily expected but is unable to be had.

Arranged from the 2019 BCP by Jacob Hootman, member of  the ACNA Liturgical Task Force.

Visitation of Prisoners

A Form of Prayer for the Visitation those in Prison

Arranged from the 1892 BCP by Jacob Hootman, member of the ACNA Liturgical Task Force.

Liturgy is an established pattern or form for the worship of God by God’s people. The liturgy leads us in the remembrance of God’s mighty acts and unites us in grateful response. Anglicans worship with a structured liturgy because it embodies biblical patterns of worship, fosters reverence and love for God, deepens faith in Jesus Christ, and is in continuity with the practices of Israel and the Early Church. (Exodus 15:1–21; Psalm 118; Luke 22:14–20; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26; Numbers 6:22–27; Deuteronomy 12:8–14; Psalm 96; Acts 2:42–47; Revelation 15; Didache 8–10)

–To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism

Questions 244-245

The festival of a saint is observed in accordance with the rules of precedence set forth in the Calendar of the Church Year. At the discretion of the Celebrant, and as appropriate, any of the following Collects, with one of the corresponding sets of psalms and lessons, may be used … at the Feast of Dedication or commemoration of a saint not listed in the Calendar.

–2019 Book of Common Prayer

Rubric found on Page 637

Hymns & Anthems

By All Your Saints Still Striving

These ‘Middle’ Stanzas are intended for the 1982 Hymnal’s By All the Saints Still Striving (#231/232) in commemoration of the various Optional or ‘Black Letter Days’ on the Calendar

Edited by Rev. Ben Jefferies


 Appropriate to be sung on February 27th, the Feast of the Rev. George Herbert – called Holy Herbert – Priest & Poet in the Church.

Text: The Rev. Isaac Williams, 1889

Tune: Andrew Dittman, 2022

© 2022 The Seabury Society

Apostle of the Wilderness

 Appropriate to be sung on April 3rd, the Feast of the Rev. James Lloyd Breck, & the Translation of his relics to Nashotah House on October 21st.

Text: Helen Holcombe Denton

Tune: Andrew Dittman, 2021

© 2021 The Seabury Society

Gently, Gently, Close HIs Eyes

 Appropriate to be sung on April 3rd, the Feast of the Rev. Dr. James Lloyd Breck.

Text: Rt. Rev, A.C. Coxe

Tune: Aberystwyth,

Joseph Parry (1841-1903)


 Appropriate to be sung on September 25th, the Feast of the Rt. Rev. Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester and Teacher of the Faith.

Text: Rev. Isaac Williams, 1889

Tune: T. Jordan O’Byrne

© 2022 T. Jordan O’Byrne. Used by permission.

Seabury's Mitre

 Appropriate to be sung on November 14th, the Feast of the Consecration of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Seabury, the First North American Bishop.

Text: A. Cleveland Coxe (1818-1896)

Tune: DRAYTON HALL, C.L. Walchesky

© 2014 C.L. Walchesky. Used by permission.

Great Advent Antiphons

The Great Advent Antiphons are said at Evensong from the 16th of December to the 23rd of December. These Antiphons are the basis of J.M. Neale’s famous Hymn O Come, O Come, Emmanuel which may also be sung at Matins or by families on those days.

Translated J.M. Neale (1861), H.S. Coffin (1916), & M. Brench (2017).

Classic sources for the explication and elucidation of scriptural doctrine include … Music and hymnody. Hymns, from writers like Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, John Mason Neale, and Graham Kendrick, have formed the spirituality of English-speaking Anglicans around the world. Today, composers in many languages continue in this powerful tradition of catechesis through music.

–To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism

The Preface

Other Downloads

Baptismal Certificates

To be presented to those who have been engrafted into Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church by Baptism with Water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Designed by Nathan Swann and Anno Domini Press.

Supplemental Midday Lectionary

This lectionary is a supplement to the Lectionary for Midday Prayer. Its priority is to complete the portions of the Canon otherwise omitted.

Arranged by Fr. Matthew Brench for the Saint Aelfric Customary.

Traditional Family & Individual Prayer

Forms for Morning and Evening Prayer, together with additional Collects, to be used by families and individuals.

Adapted from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer by the Rev. Can. Andrew E. Brashier. 

The Traditional Catechism

An Introduction to be learned of every person, before they be brought to the Bishop for Confirmation, containing the Creed, Commandments, and Lord’s Prayer.

Adapted from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer by the Rev. Can. Andrew E. Brashier.