The American Church Prayer Card


This Prayer Card extends from the conviction that the American Church has a robust and yet often ignored ecclesiastical history. It can feel like American Anglicanism, or American Christianity in general lacks a coherent ethos. This is more often than not due to the fact that American Christians do not know their own history. The fact of the matter, however, is that we find ourselves standing on the shoulders of Saints. It is our great joy to be able to remind our fellow Christians of their own heritage. Together we ought to recall that these men and women prepared the soil for our Church (Bishops Seabury & Inglis), they planted it with their own blood (Jonathan Daniels & Sr. Constance, the martyrs), they watered it with Godly Doctrine (Rev. James DeKoven), and they pruned Her through their witness (Rev. Absalom Jones). Together, they and many like them make up a “great cloud of witnesses” who, with our Lord, continue to offer intercession on behalf of the Church that began with them and continues with us.

SKU: american-prayer Category:

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Dimensions 4 × 6 in
Emanuel Burke

Emanuel Burke

Manny B. Creative

Born in Georgia and raised in Western North Carolina, Emanuel’s artistic influence began taking shape early in life by observing his father dabbling in woodcraft, mechanics, and comic strips. Later in life, Emanuel was introduced to the ancient tradition of iconography when he visited a Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Church, and has been hooked ever since. While personal expression is an invaluable and essential component of his work, he enjoys the way in which iconography pulls him into a deeper, transcendent reality (particularly when he is utilizing the traditional egg tempera medium). Every line and stroke of the brush is for him an act of prayer, as he often finds his soul being stirred and directed toward Christ through the image of the saints he depicts. Emanuel desires for his work to direct Western Christians toward the reintegration of hesychasm, the lost spiritual sibling of scholasticism. Emanuel has found the principles of hesychasm to be breath of fresh air, and has transformed the way understands what it means to be in union with Christ. In particular, the quiet and restful, trance-like state he enters when painting an icon is for him and experience of God praying Himself in him.

Emanuel has been happily married for 6 years to Yam, and they enjoy raising their two young boys, Micaiah (5) and Amos (3). When he’s not painting, you could find Emanuel enjoying local coffee or wine, a good sci-fi or fantasy novel, or cooking dinner for family and friends (which is a second passion).

You can connect with Emanuel, purchase his work, or hire him for personal commissions via Instagram (@emanuelburke_art) or email (